Press Coverage

Outside Coverage

"Ensemble" Investment Approach Proves Its Value

The "ensemble" approach to finding highest-conviction stock picks from top-class managers, and then finding those stocks with the strongest consensus agreement, is an approach that has been known for years. What's new, however, is using AI tech to make this work.

How Turing Technology is Revolutionizing the Active Management Industry

Turing Technology Associates is a financial technology firm that has set their sights high: "saving” active investment management.

This Industry Veteran Thinks ESG Funds Are Falling Short. So He’s Turning to AI and Carbon Permits to Fix Them.

Sustainable investments need to be actively managed — and their positive outcomes provable — to avoid the risk of greenwashing.

Will Ensemble Active Management Revolutionize the WealthTech space?

Turing Technology Associates markets an investment platform which seeks to tackle the issue of “saving” active investment management. The company is relying on Ensemble Active Management (EAM) to do this. Could this be a game changer for the WealthTech sector?

Capturing Consistent "Alpha" The Ensemble Way

The "ensemble" approach to finding highest-conviction stock picks from top-class managers, and then finding those stocks with the strongest consensus agreement, is an approach that has been known for years. What's new, however, is using AI tech to sift through databases of managers' choices.

Will Moneyball Finally Crack the Game of Active Management?

Billy Beane seems to think so.

Research Shows Asset Management Has a ‘Genetic Defect.’ This Manager Says He Has a Cure.

A start-up has launched model portfolios to solve a long-standing problem in active management.

Are These A.I. Model Portfolios Investing's Next Big Thing?

A new type of investment model has hit the scene, and its proponents believe it can potentially beat both passive and active management on a consistent basis. That’s a bold claim to live up to, but backtested data—and a brief run as live models—suggest it might have something to add to the investment conversation.

The ‘Genetic Defect’ in Active Management

Active managers produce a surprising amount of alpha. Most end up squandering it.

Diversification Is Causing Active Managers to Underperform. AI Could Fix It.

Proven artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques could help protect active managers’ best ideas by offering a risk management alternative to diversification.

Is This the Silver Bullet That Will Save Active Management?

A consortium of academics and investors is calling for active managers to use artificial intelligence techniques called ensemble methods, which it argues can beat both active and passive funds.

Turing Press Releases

April 03, 2024

Turing Technology is pleased to announce that the results are in, and Ensemble Active Management, or EAM, now boasts a stronger lineup of actively managed US equity portfolios than any mutual fund company in the nation. EAM was introduced to the market in 2018, deploying advanced technology coupled with a fundamental rethinking of active management. Five years later, based on live and verifiable returns, EAM is now able to ‘claim the throne’ to an important performance validation. Read more >

October 18, 2023

Today, Turing Technology introduces the Stock Picker's Scorecard, a groundbreaking AI-driven tool that offers a real-time view from inside of mutual funds, while revolutionizing the way advisors and investors evaluate fund managers' true stock-picking abilities. Read more >

June 01, 2023

Turing Technology Associates, an AI-powered financial technology company is pleased to announce the launch of Hercules Fund.AITM, a comprehensive data publishing business based on the ability of Turing’s Hercules SystemTM to replicate actively managed mutual funds on a real-time basis. Read more >

May 01, 2023

Turing Technology Associates, an AI-driven financial technology and intellectual property company, is delighted to announce that Robert D. Nestor has joined the firm as Senior Managing Director and Chief Commercialization Officer. Rob becomes the first non-Founder to join its executive ranks since Turing's founding in 2016. Read more >

February 15, 2023

The multi-trillion dollar Variable Annuity industry has never found a true solution to hedging the market-linked liabilities from individual stock basis risk.  This has created a significant business exposure for VA sponsors, an exposure which has only grown in the wake of new FASB rules requiring net hedging results to be marked-to-market. Read more >

October 07, 2021

Turing Technology today released the Q3 2021 EAM Industry and Performance Update. The report reflects the aggregated performance of all EAM Portfolios put into live production, which now number 78 Portfolios from 23 investment firms. Read more >

September 08, 2021

Turing Technology is pleased to announce that it has been named to the AIFinTech100 – a select global listing reflecting "the world's most innovative solution providers" who are "using artificial intelligence (AI) to transform financial services." Read more >

September 07, 2021

The world's most innovative solution providers developing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies to solve challenges or improve efficiency in financial services were named today on the AIFinTech100 list. Read more >

April 20, 2021

According to Turing Technology, a fundamental rethinking of active investment management is underway that is destined to put several trillion dollars in assets in motion.  The pending upheaval is based on enabling AI and Machine Learning technology; the platform driving the change is Ensemble Active Management, or EAM.  EAM is not a stock-picking algorithm or a strategy, instead it uses proven best practices of predictive analytics gleaned from dozens of other industries as a mathematical platform for building investment portfolios.  There are literally millions of potential EAM Portfolios available. Read more >

February 08, 2021

Turing Technology is pleased to announce that Charles Larkin has joined the Turing Board of Directors. Vadim Fishman, CEO and co–founder of Turing, stated "Charles has been involved with Turing since 2018, and over the past year has increased his engagement to the point where a Board seat was the natural next step. He is smart, strategic, and analytical, but it is his wealth of expertise in assisting entrepreneurial ventures in reaching their full potential that I expect to be his greatest contribution to our firm." Read more >

November 17, 2020

Turing Technology today announced that Ensemble Active Management ("EAM") Portfolios, based upon technology licensed from Turing, achieved a performance milestone that is believed to be unprecedented in the history of the investment industry: more than one–half of the EAM Portfolios that have at least a 12–month track record (9 of 16) would have ranked in the top 2 percentile of their corresponding mutual fund peer groups for the past 12 months1, 2. The odds of these results happening randomly are less than one in 12.5 billion. Read more >

January 08, 2020

Turing Technology is pleased to announce the formation of its new Board of Advisors, 14 executives from the worlds of technology, academics, investments, and business that are all fluent in the art of innovation and managing change. Read more >

November 15, 2019

The challenge of accurately selecting actively managed funds just got easier due to new research recently released from Turing Technology.  The research, based on evaluating years’ worth of daily holdings from more than $2.25 trillion in actively managed fund assets, had some paradigm-busting insights into how and where active managers add value – and where they don’t. Read more >

October 24, 2019

The question of why the average active manager underperforms index funds appears to be finally answered. It is not (only) due to fees, and certainly not due to a lack of manager skill. Instead, based on new research from Turing Technology that evaluated years’ worth of daily holdings from more than $2.25 trillion in actively managed fund assets, we now know that the answer lies in a ‘genetic defect’ in how active managers build their investment portfolios. Read more >

September 05, 2018

A newly available White Paper published by the EAM Research Consortium, “Ensemble Active Management – The Next Evolution in Investment Management,” tests the viability of a new approach to active management, Ensemble Active Management, versus traditional Active and Passive Management. Ensemble Active Management (“EAM”) is the result of investment management being ‘re-imagined’ through the insights of technologists, and the proven power of Artificial Intelligence. Read more >